The Pipe Fitters Blue Book, also known as "The Pipe Bible" is the most widely used and easy to understand book in the pipe trades today. W. V. “Duffy” Graves (author and publisher) created this easy to use and understand complete reference guide with a durable water resistant cover for anyone and everyone in the pipe industry. This manual is clearly written in a simple and straightforward manner and is well illustrated. It includes essential information needed by instructors, students and workers in the field. The Pipe Fitters Blue Book by W. V. Graves is the only reference guide allowed while taking the NCCER test. It is used across the country by individuals, schools, community colleges – industrial training programs – apprenticeship programs.
Graves FITBLBOOK The Pipe Fitters Blue Book, Handbook, Author: W. V. "Duffy" Graves, Format: Paperback, Number Of Pages: 175, Edition: Revised 2010, ISBN No.: 0-9708321-2-5