Excalibur® 7018 MR is a low hydrogen stick electrode designed for all-position welding on mild steel. Smooth arc, excellent strike and re-strike capabilities, self-peeling slag and extremely low spatter levels make Excalibur® the industry's premium brand of low hydrogen electrodes. For a mild steel, low hydrogen electrode with industry-leading arc performance and operability - choose Excalibur® 7018 MR
- Medium penetration
- Premium arc performance
- Square coating burn-off
- Easy strike and re-strike
- Effortless slag removal
- Minimal spatter for enhanced operability and clean weld surface
- Clean puddle
- Excellent wash-in characteristics
- Flat, horizontal, vertical up, overhead welding positions
- 2 - 3mL/100 g weld metal diffusible hydrogen
Lincoln® Excalibur® ED028281 Covered Electrode, Diameter: 1/8 Inch, Length: 14 Inch, Current Type: AC/DC+, Amperage: 100 - 160/90 - 160 amp, Package: 50 lb Easy Open Can, AWS Class: AWS A5.1/A5.1M: 2004 E7018 H4R, Coating: Low Hydrogen Iron Powder, Tensile Strength: 74 - 88 ksi (As Welded), Yield Strength: 62 - 74 ksi (As Welded), Elongation in 2" (%): 25 - 37% (As Welded), Charpy V-Notch: 89 - 246 ft.-lb. At -20 deg F Temperature (As Welded), Welding Process: SMAW (Stick), Weld Metal Composition: 0.03-0.08% Carbon (C), 1.01-1.55% Manganese (Mn), 0.34-0.68% Silicon (Si), 0.01-0.02% Phosphorus (P), ? 0.01% Sulfur (S), 0.01-0.06% Nickel (Ni), 0.02-0.07% Chromium (Cr), ? 0.05% Molybdenum (Mo), ? 0.02% Vanadium (V), 1.04-1.75% Manganese (Mn) + Nickel (Ni) + Chromium (Cr) + Molybdenum (Mo) + Vanadium (V), Applicable Materials: Hardenable Steel, Cold Rolled Steel, Or Other Steel, Low Alloy, Mild Steel